Always Something There to Remind Me

I want to make this sweater. I want to make this sweater so much that I have the pattern sheet from when it was hanging in Michael’s (Two of them, actually.)

I also have it downloaded to my tablet – which just died so I don’t think it counts. And I have a link to it in the yarn review for a Red Heart Yarn – sorry Premier, I know you own the pattern but a knitter’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.I have the yarn picked out – the aforementioned Red Heart Yarn, in this case Super Saver Ombre. I can even do it in a couple of colors: Anthracite, Cocoa, Anemone or Purple.

So what’s the hold up? The way I select items to make. The sweater isn’t for me, though I would certainly wear it I would place it in the shop and I do want to get a little into clothing and not just accessories.But there is a system to how completely new items get added to the shop and a sweater is on the list but very far down the chain behind hats, scarves and even a market bag. 

I really can’t break the code I wrote. I need to have some order and structure or I would be all over the place. There’s always something there to remind me that I want to make this sweater. Right now, I have several skeins of Red Heart Ombre looking at me from across the room where I work. Each time I see them, I think of the sweater that I am not making. It hits me especially since I am working on a sweater for a friend. The skeins think this is a breach of the rules. They send me subtle messages I try to ignore.

I think the sweater would look awesome in the way the color grades in the ombre. I will get to it – start it and complete it. But for right now it reminds me that I have to do it. I want to be optimistic. It means there’s something to look forward to.




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