The Return of the Yarn Review

I am here to announce the return of the yarn review.

Negligent. that’s what I’ve been. But I am now focused and I see the path. I will return to doing yarn reviews and I will start with a yarn I’m about to become obsessed with after using it for years.

One of the fun things about having access to the domesticated yarn is discovering what has been laying dormant for a few years. I pulled two bins from the closet and I can already see a couple of I Love This Yarn – Print. They’re not the color I’m usd to and I don’t even know if it’s an active color. Hold on a minute. It’s one skein and a remnant and there’s no ball band. Looked on the website and can’t match it up. Could be discontinued. Oh well.

So, here’s the deal: i am starting with the items I made in January and if I haven’t done a review of the yarn, I’ll do one. So, you can read what I have to say about this yarn here







You can see all the domesticated yarn. It is a wonder there hasn’t been a revolt. Each time I look in that closet, something calls out to me and I just want to grab it and work with it.

But discipline has to be the principle and is my 2023 buzzword. I have goals that depend on my developing discipline. I will get to the fibers calling my name.

Do you see the HUGE flowers on the left of the yarn? I’ll tell you about them a little later. I also have a free pattern to share as soon as it’s written up.

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