My Knitting Identity

Works in Progress

I embrace my knitting identity.  I didn’t always. But that wasn’t the fault of knitting. If someone said I was a good singer, I immediately thought they didn’t know I was a good project manager. If they said I was a good project manager, I wondered why they didn’t know I was a writer. I didn’t want to be pigeon holed.

But being known as a knitter has a great deal more depth than just being seen as someone who knits. There is a difference.I have noticed recently that folks refer to me as a knitter. They no longer say, you know how to knit or since you knit. They now say, you’re a knitter.

This is both a source of pride and humility.

 I am pleased knitting and crochet have managed to stay in my life these many years. 20+ orders still to be filled and a room filled with yarn, is a sign of my passion. Other hobbies that held my passion have long given up hope of finding a permanent place with me – but knitting remains.

The great yarn sorting is complete. Didn’t take weeks like I thought but then again, I modified what I was doing. I am in the process of moving all the collapsible bins and other things out of the studio so I can vacuum the floors. Then we’re going to figure out how to put things back somewhat neatly since nothing else will fit in the closet. I have an idea on how to tackle bringing down the stash. I am going to start with the misc. yarn that didn’t make into the sorted bins. Those bins are packed and there’s not enough of any one color left over so there are three bins of unsorted yarn. I will start with using those and then moving to the ones in the closet. The hope is to make room in the closet and move the collapsible bins in there. This wil definitely take some time.

It would be a daunting project for someone who knits. But I am a knitter. I can get this done.

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