Moving Closer

The rest of the office is still in shambles. There won’t be any before photos because even with great after pictures, that would still qualify me for the next Hoarders special. I can live without that.

But we are moving closer to the finish line – kinda like mile three of a marathon closer. There’s so much ahead but, hey, there’s something behind.

Today I tickled myself something when I cleaned from under the desk. I sat there and admired it for a second. (I admit, I just did it again.) 

This is how my first hout every morning goes: I come to the computer and fire it up. Because it’s a few years old, it takes a bit to fire up so I pull out the sweater and start working on it. (I have until the end of the month to get it done and I started it over at the beginning of the month so…) Once the computer is ready, I open two separate windows: one for the Yarn Harlot which, because I am weird quirky I’ve started from the beginning. Fourteen years ago. I’ve read the blog on and off and each time it’s on, I start over. Some of the posts are familiar, always entertaining. So I knit while reading a post and the idea is to read until my mind is ready to do my own post from Knitsville. 

I read a post while knitting. When the post is done, I get to finish the row I’m working on. Sometimes it’s a good portion of the row, sometimes just a few stitches and then I have to do something that pushes the room progress forward. Today, that was under the desk. (Yes, I just admired it again.) 

What is usually under the desk are the three electrical strips holding all the electronic together: a computer, a laptop, printer, telephone and modem. What was under the desk were a myriad of other things that I didn’t know was underneath there. Including a ruler I knew I had but since I have another one that looks just like it, thought maybe didn’t exist. A necklace someone gave me that I loved so much it has been under the desk for…years? And one of my yarn bobbins. And a bunch of paillettes. Small holed ones that I wasn’t going to use and don’t understand how they got under there…loose. The broom and the vacuum made short, satisfying work of the mess under the desk and now all that is there are the cords that are supposed to be there.

So, the bookcase, the space between the bookcase and the desk, the desk and under the desk have all been reclaimed by the sane part of my psyche. The rest of it still has to be done but there is something to be said about moving closer. My spirit is lifted just that much more. 

This has been a good hour. Some progress made on the sweater and the room and my blog post inspiration. That’s already a good day and it’s just getting started. I have to go downstairs and do my workout (strength training) and make my cereal (no bake granola and it’s soooooo good.)

And knitting. Everest. I’m on top of Everest…well, moving closer. 

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