Yarn Reviews

Get your yarn reviews here!

We love fiber. Whether we are a purist or a lover of things acrylic and blended, we love our yarn. Yarn reviews can help us decide to what yarn to use on any given project. For all the projects I do, I will add a yarn review. No matter if it costs $5 or $50 (which I am not likely to use), if it’s on my needles or hook, I’ll tell you about it. I don’t review yarn that is discontinued at the time I use it. I’ve had that happen and I couldn’t get the yarn and it only made me mad. But yarns or colors can be discontinued at any time. It’s a bummer but that’s part of the biz.

Most of these yarns will be readily available at a big craft store or online. And as noted, they aren’t gonna run very high in the dollar amount. That doesn’t mean they aren’t good and can’t help you create beautiful things. The industry is now so big, it makes sense that companies are going to up their game to try and get us to spend just a little more.