My folks would be married 71 years this year and I am wanting memories of what that would be like. My father liked taking pictures but where all those photos are – no one can say. We are completely devoid of images. There’s dad with most of the grandkids and with my brother and sisters – which I must have taken since I’m not in the photo.
I think the next generation is so lucky because they have instant imagery. I had to take a full roll of photos, drop or send them off to be developed, wait for them to come back and hope they were all in focus and usable. There was nothing if not patience for the entire process.
I think about their 71 years and Mr. Honey and I about to celebrate our 25th. We are not going to make it to 71 years Don’t think we’ll make it to 47. we married late. I was in my 30s and he was about to say hello to his fifties. I am wanting memories of that. Desire but no regrets. Life is good.
In the rest of Knitsville, I had a recent order where someone asked to make these: they are going to be given away at a high school prom. The theme is Narnia (you know, The Lion, Witch and the Wardobe…see here. The scarf is a Mr. Tumnus scarf. He’s the faun in the story and in the movie, he wears a fringed scarf.
I really like how they came out and I was so pleased, I decided to make some more for the ready to ship section in my shop. I think they will look great in purple and an emerald green.
There are other things on the needles and hooks which I will share at a later date. Im about to settle in for a few hours of knitting before we go out on our date.