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The truth is, I haven’t knit all week. I’ve been working but that work hasn’t consisted of making loops for about five days. It’s the other parts of the business keeping me occupied and knitting hasn’t been on the schedule for the past three days – things aren’t looking that great for tomorrow, either.

I’ve been doing stuff of Pinterest.

I’ve been buying yarn:I’ve been listening to podcasts and reading about social media and all sorts of other things that will help me grow the business.

There’s church work – though we are still social distancing – we put up a Black Lives Matter sign on our lawn







and someone(s) decided to slash it A group of young boys saw it and taped it up. We got an offer to have it replaced for free but we decided to keep it up as a symbol that though someone was harmful; we were not destroyed.

So, this page intentionally left blank of knitting projects but it is not void of action and living life. There’s a great deal going on here. I do miss knitting though. I am happy to say that it should be back in the new week.