The Balmoral bag is done! Several of them are done! This is a pretty fast project. The project is so quick that all these bags were done before the pattern was finished.
I took step by step photos and they will be included in the pattern. The pattern for the bag spawned another pattern. There was a tiny bit of leftover yarn for each of the bags and since the body of the bag is white, I made a white spa or dishcloth rimmed in the contrasting color. I did it using a play on the Suzette stitch so the Cozy Suzette washcloth and pattern will make their debut soon.
Can you guess how many balls of yarn are in that bag? And it still isn’t heavy and was easy to carry. Fifteen. Fifteen balls of Sugar and Cream and some from Hobby Lobby. But 15. That’s not bad at all.
These are going into GoImagine shop while the pattern will be going in the Etsy and Ravelry stores.
Doing the pattern was something of a challenge because I had to translate actions into words. That’s where photos come in. You can show something and hopefully the words will make more sense. Hopefully, the words make sense on their own and the photos enhance. See? Not easy.
Be on the lookout for the pattern(s). They are both quick and cute. Start it in the morning. You can elevate your market vibe by the afternoon.