The Aalborg Cowl pattern is done. The view from the desk this morning.
Yep. It reflects my mind. For the past few days, I’ve been waking up with the intention of doing a perfect day and it has fallen apart within the first few minutes. That cranberry red spot in upper middle is the cowl. It is the high spot within the clutter bomb.
There’s also the making of another pattern with the camo cotton yarn. That pattern isn’t going to work out because it’s taking too much of the yarn. I will have to rework the bottom. Still think it will take about three skeins of yarn which isn’t really bad – except I bought two skeins of each color. But then, the original thought was I was going to make two toned bags. So, that could still happen.
See what I mean about the state of my mind?
So, the Aalborg Cowl pattern is done and it’s in the shop.
These were taken when the desk had a bit more order. I do like the way it came out. It has a very interesting texture.
I have a how coming up next month and Mr. Honey and I borrowed a tent from a friend and had a time practicing getting it all set up. They both assured me I wouldn’t need stakes to hold it to the ground but I am not that confident and am leaning towards getting some cuz it’s better to have them and not need them than the other way around.
What’s on the agenda for today? Some more knitting and crocheting. The next French lesson from Mango and some cleaning. Currently, I’m cleaning/organizing kitchen cabinets. I hate doing it but I love it when it’s done.