Decided to I’m starting over. The Amity Blanket. The one that is due to the owner on Monday. That one. I started it over.
This is how it originally went. I was crocheting away until I decided I didn’t like how the colors were.
The order wasn’t exactly right so I started it again. No problem. Due in seven days? I’ll just crochet 7 inches a day and then we will be good to go. I picked up some more skeins of the Skein Tones Yarn and off I go.
I like them both. This one will be finished and taken. I think I can still deliver it on Monday. We shall see what we shall see.
In other news, not knit related. I know, I can hardly believe such a thing exists. I started a book then couldn’t remember if I finished it. Decided to look it up to find I did not finish it. Now I have to. The book is called Breakfast at the Beach House Hotel by Judith Keim. I also purchased a book my life coach recommended to the group on self sabotage. Haven’t gotten around to it yet. My coach would have a field day with that. He and Freud.