My stash is outta control.This isn’t even all of it. It’s a world gone mad. In one of my classes, the coaches point out that inventory is cash waiting to be converted into dollars. I have a lot of dollars sitting around.
Currently on the needles: a slouchy hat order, a cowl, a market bag and a scarf. While the first three will be done with minimal impact on the stash, the scarf is an homage to Dr. Who. It may not follow the same color scheme but it does have the same rows per color and it will be a really long scarf.
The truth is, it won’t have a HUGE impact. (Remember the stash is outta control.) But it should help clear space in one of the bags.
I have a goal of placing patterns a few times a month. Two of the WIPs have patterns attached to them and there are more to come. That will also assist in getting stash down.
I haven’t heard if I am in the craft shows I applied to for March and April. In case I get in, I want to start on the spring and summer offerings – like the market pads and new designs for towels and skincare scrubbies.
I know I am incredibly blessed and I didn’t go broke to feed my stash, but it really is bordering on obscene. I think it is spiritually healthy for me to create and give away as well as sell.
Its all part of the plan.