Did you see the new kids on the block? At the top of the page there are two new links: Shop and Free Knitting Patterns. So now, it’s easier to get the goods.
Both pages are works in progress and will be updated on the regular. The Shop page will have the latest promos and deals and links directly to the page where they can be ordered. The Free Patterns page goes to Ravelry.
I’m excited to expand the site where it can be a blog and also connect the other aspects. This is an exciting time for the nature of the business that is my business.
In other news, we went on a vacation! Kinda sorta. No, it was a vacation. My sisters live in Oregon and Washington – Portland and Seattle to be more exact. We visited Seattle but never Portland. The Portland sister is renovating her house. (Let me tell you, it looks nothing like what you see on the t and v. The house is tore up from the floor up.) They are doing a lot of the work themselves. Painting the rooms is one of those things. My sister told me they were starting the painting and I reminded her Mr. Honey loved that kind of thing. So one brother-in-law called the other brother-in-law and made arrangements for us to come out so Mr. Honey could help paint.
He loves this kind of thing. He loves the order and the routine and the planning and the execution. And my brother-in-law was happy to let him manage it. We were there for 10 days. My sister and I left the boys on their own for a couple of days and took a train to Seattle to see the other sister and the daughter/niece.
On the day we were supposed to leave (noticed I said supposed to) we took a trip to Mt. Hood and the Bonneville Dam.We had lunch at Timerline Lodge. The only thing they offer is a buffet and I don’t know how much it cost because my sis and bro-law took the bil, but it was worth it. All I really had was fruit and bread but the melons tasted like melons. Cantaloupe and honeydew haven’t tasted good for years.
Folks were actually skiing up there and it was snowing as we went up the mountain. We watched the temperature drop in 5 degree increments the higher we went. Of course, there were also people wearing shorts and flip-flops in the snow because – well, why not?
We went to the dam to watch the salmon but the water in the obseration windows was realy murky and you couldn’t really see them unless they came really close to the window. Why would a salmon want to come close to the window? I don’t think they want to look in as much as we want to look out. But on the observation deck above, there were some grand views. To far away to see the fish but the wonder of man and nature could be appreciated.
Mr. Honey bought me a hoodie. I got it a few sizes too small and now I have an incentive. I came home 5 lbs lighter and noted I ate a lot of fruit and ate twice a day. That’s something to remember and incorporate back here. I also didn’t step on a scale the whole time I was there and I didn’t freak out.
Did I tell you I signed up for a class right before I left? I am freaking out about that. Tell you more about it later. There’s an order to get out and I am still working on the Amity blanket. Liking how it’s looking!