I just gotta go yarn shopping. It’s not my fault and I do not intend to go crazy. (Do you like the instant disclaimer I put there? I don’t intend…) For the last few seasons, this has been my most popular hat. I had three balls of it and with some more orders, it is clear that will not be enough.
These gloves and sleeves have also become popular and they are made of the same yarn and I have one ball left of that. So I gotta go yarn shopping. I just gotta. Luckily, I also got a nice big order so I don’t feel so bad spending about 25% of it on yarn to stock up and make sure I have it.
I’m even feeling a little gleeful that HL is on our way to where we’re having dinner so I get to yarn shop and eat out. This is like a dream!
It also helps that this is the week where the yarn is 30% off so the funds will buy me a little more. It doesn’t matter if I don’t use the yarn for orders this season. It’s a very boho print – which I think explains the popularity.
BoHo is a thing right now. If I don’t use it for mitts and sleeves, I am thinking of making that trendy bag which name I can’t think of right now. Japanese Knot Bag. I looked it up. In any case, those of you who are knitters/crocheters know how exciting it is to go to the yarn aisle for something you need! A totally different high from going to just go. Though, there is nothing wrong with that. Just sayin’.