A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a pro knitter, well, this pro knitter, is kind of hard to describe. Some days are so busy with no knitting to show for it. Needles can go untouched when there’s behind the scenes work to do.

Looking at my desk, I see a capsule of my knitting life.

Here you see my laptop, where the behind the scenes and the in front of the curtain action happens. Then recycled containers hold knitting needles and crochet hooks. Reusing items is always a good thing and these work well. There’s some yarn and a pair of scissors. I can almost promise when I need those scissors, they won’t be anywhere to be found. And, of course, if you have a laptop, you’ll need to have a tablet near by. it does come in handy.

Do you see the container behind the lemonade container? It’s from Target’s Monster trail mix. I love that stuff but now it’s a little pricey so I don’t eat it.  Mr. Honey put some holes in the lid and I use them as yarn bowls. But this one is a piggy bank. The radio used to be on my bed stand. We don’t have a bed stand anymore so now it’s on the table. Last, but not least, are my glasses. Which I wear just for driving and distance. Oh, there are also some quarters. I thought collecting one from each state would be a good idea. Not one of my better thoughts. The quarters are now in the trail mix piggy bank.

Mr. Honey is working on changing around the closet.We need a solution to because it’s stuffed and unworkable..I knew he was serious when he came in after dinner with his tape measure. He thinks adding another row of shelving will create more chances of organization and since he is better at organization than i, I am willing to let him come up with the solution and I will work within the system.

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