Works In Progress

I have a few works in progress. Here are all my project bags. Yep. I’ve got something going in each of these. This is what it’s like in design mode. I start a set of projects – there’s also a digital project that resides on the iPad – and when the amount of WIPs get overwhelming, I pick the first one and start on it in earnest.
So what project is earnestly being worked?

Two panels of the Boho Petal Afghan are complete. I thought there might be four panels but I think five is more likely. I also thought this might be ready in about 10 days but I’m not sure about that, either. This will be going into the shop on Go Imagine as ready to ship. I don’t think it will go onto the Etsy site.


What else is in the bags? There’s a two toned stocking cap, a lite cotton scarf, another BoHo piece; this one a prayer shawl, a triangle shaped scarf and maybe something else I can’t remember at the moment. Most of the yarn came straight outta the stash which explains the boho themed items. That means as I pull yarns out of the bins and into the WIP bags, more yarn can go into the bins. This is why the range free yarn looks a little less wild. Not quite domesticated but that’s fine.

In face, the domesticated yarn doesn’t mind in the least. They are behind the doors in the privacy of their sanctuary and are happy to let the free range yarn do all the work.

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