This is the view from the desk today:

My friend, Epi, gave me the blanket yarn. She also gave me the makings of a sweater that she has been sitting on for eight years. She never completed it and asked me to do it. I left it in the car and now Mr. Honey has it with him wherever he is. When he comes home, I will take it out and add it to the list of things I have to do.

What are those things on my list? In different projects bags I have the following:

1. The granny square afghan. My take on the Island Time blanket.

2. A grey hooded scarf (an Etsy order)

3. A cranberry cable scarf (also an Etsy order)

4. A cable scarf made with Caron Cinnamon Rolls in the color Bay

5. A hooded scarf in I love This Yarn (an Etsy order)

I feel like there might be something else but I don’t want to go look it up. Besides, I think that would be enough right there. Adding the sweater in the mix is going to cause disruption. Well, not really. It is a job – she wants me to charge her. I definitely will do that. 

Right now, the thing on my mind is how to line up the projects back so they aren’t the clumped mess they are right now.  There will be more projects added to more bags and I want there to be some madness in the chaos. I will figure it out.

During my search for a project bag, I came across this hat.

Of course it had to go in the shop right away because it’s something I wanted to have in there and forgot I made the hat. So, that’s something accomplished. Can’t be mad at myself for that.