The Amari Beanie is the first of my new Baby Love line! When I did craft shows, someone would always ask for kids hats and scarves and I had none. So, this time around, I made one and I was hooked. I have several baby hats and they have sold. At the last show, I had a pom-pom baby beanie and someone suggested I make matching beanies for Mommy and Me. I have learned my lesson. It took years to make the first baby beanie. I wasn’t about to wait years to do the matching one. And so here is Naomi with little Amari and the beanie I named for her. They are available from designbcb.
I may create the pattern I used for the beanie. I started it a couple of times because I didn’t like how it draped – especially the adult size. It was kind of strange because I already have a pattern for a basic beanie but it wasn’t quite what I wanted the end result to look like.
I was frustrated – not being able to design something like I used to. It wasn’t coming easily. Most people in the world neither knit or crochet. It follows that even less design patterns. There are designers with far greater talents than mine. They put in more time and effort and it pays off. The art of knit and crochet is a spiritual gift. The gift of design is a special kiss on the forehead from God. My patterns do well. It frustrates in the moment but when it’s done and it works – oh, the feeling. I’m hoping 2024 brings more patterns.
I’ve also started to write again. I think the new book club has a lot do to with that. I am currently reading this, by the way. Hopefully more writing is coming as well. I’m looking forward to this next year. Heck, I’m looking forward to the next couple of hours!