It’s that time of year! Orders have started to come in an I have not been very productive! I have managed to get a new sweatshirt listed in Abbey & Lincoln.
It features Zeus and is available in 8 sizes and 11 colors! It also features the planet Jupiter because, you know, Greek an Roman! Totally geek moment.
We also just got back from Europe! My first trip overseas.
We flew Aer Lingus and spent some time in Dublin. (It was six hours but felt like a week!) Then it was off to Hamburg and then to Paris back to Hamburg back to Ireland and then home. All in all, ten days: Four in Hamburg, four in Paris and two travelling.
I’m glad we did it. My American bubble got burst. Spent some time with family and enjoyed it. Oddly, while I don’t feel the need to do it again, Mr. Honey says he would go. He’s got this thing about Lyon.
Something about it being the best food in France. We’re not getting any younger so I am going to think about it for a very little while and check back to see if it’s something he might want to do in the spring.
I am checking to see if there are any Lyon food tours or something like that. I have a feeling he’s already doing it but it will help me decide.
In the meantime, check out the sweatshirt. New stuff is coming to designbcb, Abbey & Lincoln and designbcb BoHo on Goimagine! Check it all out to see it when it arrives.