Storage Wars…I am having my own little storage wars.  I had to get a storage space to put the yarn for a little bit. It is relatively inexpensive and I have such a greater sense of relief because the room isn’t filled up. But I don’t want to have to rent it forever.

The idea I have is to create OOAK scarves that can go into the Etsy shop and some OOAK blankets that can go in the GoImagine shop.

I would like to not have to rent a space in 2025 so that means the next eight months will have a lot of knittin’ and crochetin’ going on. It also means another yarn giveaway starting with yarn this weekend that could go to the charity event the knit group goes to twice a year.

I have my maker’s groove going on. I have placed items in both Etsy shops and the one on GoImagine. I am on a creativity roll and I like it. I have a show coming up in two weeks. I will once again focus on the crochet towels and bags but the hats and scarves will be there. There are new digital items: patterns and POD items up as well.

Loving it when the plan works.

There’s a pork tenderloin and some apple celery slaw waiting to be made for dinner. The choir is on hiatus so I don’t have to go anywhere this evening. The days are warmer and longer. A perfect set up for making it and shaking it. My Darcia scarf pattern is complete just need to finish the sample. I’m going to a twist to the fringe. Wait. You’ll see.