It’s the beginning of a knit storm here in Knitsville. I am in design mode. I just have to finish the neck on the poncho – which I have done and undone three times but I think I’ve figured out where I’m going with it – and then I will be order free. Since Robin’s doesn’t have to be shipped and she’s headed for Hawaii, I can start on the design trail.
I am getting items ready for my GoImagine store. I’ve set the launch date as August 1 and I don’t have anything ready to go but you can see I have things started. Something is bound to be finished before August 1. I hope.
We have two hats and one prayer shawl on these needles. There are a couple of other things that didn’t make it in the pic. There is a pile of yarn in front of the yarn closet. It won’t make it in the closet because there’s no room but it may be organized as we move the sofa out of my studio and into the living room. I Maxine I will be getting some clear containers to put them all in and having stacks of yarn around me. My recliner is coming in the studio. So that will kick up the comfort level a notch.
I have a system in mind. We’ll see if I can put it in action. This is a store building from the ground up and everything else starts with it. Let’s see if something good comes out of the storm.
Hi Beverly,
…your GoImagine store looks awesome!…Good luck with all your knitting…
~Have a lovely day!