For some reason, I cannot explain, I joined a group dedicated to cake yarns. I love those things but I don’t know what compelled me to join a group that revered them enough to form a cult. And then, because I apparently want to do unexplainable things, I decided to pull 10 skeins of the stuff from the free range to take a picture to post to the group.You know, to show I wasn’t some sort of cake yarn group troll.
I did not take the photo – I found this one – and I will not post it to the group. I find it a little creepy that I have a photo of cake yarn, ignore the skein on the right. I will admit I collected six balls before I decided I was a little nuts for even considering it.
OK, now I am curious about how many cakes I have running around. A quick glance shows me: Caron Big Cakes (3 colors), Caron Cakes, Caron Tea Cakes and Chunky cakes, Mandala cakes (in about 5 colors), Yarn Bee Sugar Wheel (about 7 colors.) I know there are some Bernat Pops and some Sweet Rolls and a cake from Plymouth running the range as well. My yarn sweet tooth has enough to gnaw on for a bit. I have it in mind to add some cakes from Ice Yarns to the range. I thought I was doing well to pass those up when I ordered. Nest time they’re mine.
Cake yarns play a role in the next, yet unnamed, collection. I’ve been using Caron Big Cakesfor the Taffy Pull scarves and the new collection will introduce an entirely new item which will be made with chunky yarn in solids and yarns that either stripe or color block. Right up cake yarn alley. Oh, Imma have to tell the mayor of Knitsville we should name something Cake Yarn Alley. Cuz that’s just too good a name to pass up.