Finally, an update on EDS. I have been steadily working the knit magic to get this sweater done. I thought it would be done sometime this spring but that didn’t happen, then summer and a bunch of travel later and the EDS didn’t really get my attention until a few months ago. I thought I had taken it with me to Montana and was relieved to find I didn’t because I thought I left it somewhere in South Dakota.

That was August. I was working on it faithfully when September rolled in. Then an unexpected trip to San Antonio and that threw a wrench into things. But the work continued. 

For sure, it would be done by the end of September but a trip to Phoenix – where the sweater did not come with me because there would be no knit time – and a trip straight from the airport to the hospital for a four day stay turned that plan on its ear.

But we go steady on and here we are in November and we can see the end in sight. The increases are almost done and that will leave the shaping. I work on it the first thing in the morning from 1 -3 hours depending on how the day is looking.

Here’s my take away from working on this sweater:

    1. I can’t follow a pattern to save my life. I always find something to modify. I find this to be true even in my own patterns. It’s a brain blip. I have learned to live with it. In this instance, I changed the stitch, the count, the increases and decreases. I kept the bind off, though. I’m not a total ingrate.
    2. The yarn is Malabrigo Mecha. It’s a beautiful, kettle dyed Merino. The color is Pocion. It’s $15 a skein. I don’t love it any more or any less than any of the other yarns in my stash. I know knit snobs who think acrylic is a waste and won’t touch it and those for whom natural yarns are a preference without the snobbishness. My stash is 98% acrylic. I get a kick out of it and of how much I have of it. Working with this fiber is nice but it is the knitting that’s the path for me. I learned to knit with string sooooo.
    3. This yarn is single ply. And it shows. It doesn’t lend itself too well to being reknit. I had to give it a stern talking to but I know as soon as it leaves me and begins to be worn; body heat and washing will enhance the look beyond my control.
    4. I just freakin’ love knitting and crochet. I come into the office every morning and pull out this sweater and it is a great way to begin the day. So much so, that I have already begun to consider what I will be making next as my office project.
    5. Knit math doesn’t care if you’re using natural fibers. I knit and knit and knit and couldn’t get to the 11 inches I needed. Then I knit some more and got 12 inches. Knit math always wins.
    6. I’m at that point where I’m wanting this to be done. This happens to every knitter and it means a project is almost over. The love affair is almost at an end. There’s almost nothing else we can do for each other so we might as well call it a relationship, wish each other well with our next loves and part as friends.
    7. As happy as I will be, Hope will be even happier.

Let’s cross our fingers for Thanksgiving.