What’s the best yarn to use?

The one that makes you happy. Happy when you’re using it and afterward.

While cost certainly is a factor (no one should go broke getting yarn) the costliest yarn isn’t worth a thing if you find you don’t like the drape, the color or the feel of it. On the other hand, you can find some really nice yarns on the shelves of any craft store. Craft stores have stepped up there yarn games of late. They’ve started to include some wool blends and natural fibers other than cotton on their shelves.

When I first learned, acrylic was the yarn of choice. Red Heart Super Saver was the go to yarn. It was inexpensive – OK, it was cheap – had some fun colors and you could tunr out a scarf with it in almost no time or money. Today, RHSS, is not on my list of yarns to buy. 

My yarn snobbery is almost nonexostent but RHSS is a beginner’s yarn and I don’t purchase it to make items I’m going to sell at designbcb. But my stash is about 97% acrylic yarns. I never really got into paying lots of money for a ball of yarn. For one, I didn’t have it. Second, I didn’t see the need. But I have relented from time to time and I have some wool, wool blends, cotton, bamboo and even some silk and camel hair in the stash.

Some folks swear off anything acrylic but I don’t have any more joy knitting with merino or alpaca than I do with a really nice acrylic.

Cost is the most important factor to me. I am likely to purchase a yarn and it is going to take up residence for months in the stash – Some members of my stash are over ten years old. Spending a lot of money on something that may never be used makes no sense to me. Nor do I want to feel that it’s so precious it can’t be used.  My projects will end up on sale or as a gift so I can’t grow attached to fiber that makes them.

This is my year of yarning dangerously so no new yarn is coming in unless it’s going right back out for a project. I will be shopping the stash and I suspect I will find things I forgot I had. I’ve already discovered treasures from the move. I will enjoy my yarns whether it’s made, grown or grass fed.

To read about choosing the fiber for your project: Read this article from The Spruce Crafts.