The Aphrodite Shirt – Revised. I decided to redo the graphic for the Aphrodite Shirt. (You can get it here.)
The election here is over and I think the entire nation was stunned. That’s about all I can say about it.
I’m getting ready for the show tomorrow. I have a few new items to add to the pile. Mostly hooded scarves. The show is in Gurnee and we did it last year and had a good time. It seems with each show, artists are required to give something for a raffle. I am going to print out a pattern and provide the yarn and needles or hook to make it. That seems like a good prize.
Sales are down this year and they were down last year and that is not the sign of good personal economy. We will see how things go tomorrow. We should have a lot of space for me to have two tables: one with the home stuff like towels and scrubbies and the other with the hats and scarves and headbands. I do have a $ amount in mind for success. It’s only $175. I think the highest price I have is $40 From what I’ve been reading, shows are touch and go. When they’re good, they’re very good and when they’re bad – well.
I am going to be optimistic. These shows are almost always fun and it’s rare I don’t make anything. It’s from 9-3 so I will still have a big chunk of the day left. Hope springs eternal.